Raising the profile of the early years by linking early childhood professionals across Far North Queensland with a goal to support every child to enter school healthy and ready to engage in learning. 

Together, our voice is amplified
and our learning magnified

Healthy and ready to engage in learning

We collaborate & work together

Far North Early Childhood Network

A sustainable consultative forum of key stakeholders to share research, best practice, current projects, events, advocacy
​and expertise relevant to the field of early
childhood education and care.

Early Childhood Community Network

FNECN is host to our Far North Queensland, Early Childhood Community Networks (ECCN).

About Us

​Raising the profile of the importance of the Early Years by, linking early childhood professionals across Far North Queensland, with a goal to support every child in Far North Queensland enter school ​healthy and ready to engage in learning.

We collaborate on problems of practice identified by the FNECN Community Partners ​and the Early Childhood Community Networks.

"You never come in an isolated way; you always come with pieces of the world attached to you"

Malaguzzi, 1994